20 August 2012
Workplaces, schools and social gatherings will be inundated with batches of fresh cupcakes
today, for the RSPCA’s sweetest fundraiser.
RSPCA (SA) Media and Campaigns Manager Jennifer Salter said supporters across Australia have
been busily baking for the RSPCA’s 5th Cupcake Day.
“Cupcakes are exchanged for donations to the RSPCA, helping to raise vital finds for animals in
need,” she said.
“Last year more than 500 South Australians took part, raising more than $70,000 for the RSPCA
in SA.
“We hope to raise even more this year, benefitting the thousands of animals who arrive at our
shelters each year.
“Whether you are dedicated to improving the lives of animals in need, or simply fond of
fondant, there are plenty of reasons to get involved!”
Ms Salter said it’s not too late to take part.
“While Cupcake Day is officially held today, participants have until September 24, 2012 to host
a cupcake party, donate and fundraise online,” she said.
The RSPCA celebrated Cupcake Day on Saturday with a family friendly event at Lonsdale, where
hundreds of animal-themed cupcakes were snapped up.
To take part in Cupcake Day, or find out more, visit www.rspcacupcakeday.com.au
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