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The state and territory member Societies provide services to animals in need through their shelters and inspectorates. In the national office, RSPCA Australia works to influence animal welfare policy, practice and legislation across the country
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The RSPCA has adapted their much-loved national dog walking event by launching Million Paws Walk: Walk This May.

In response to ongoing developments of COVID-19, the RSPCA will no longer be able hold the usual public event on Sunday 17 May, however this new event will see dog owners hit the pavement in their own neighbourhoods and backyards, responsibly walking to fight animal cruelty in May.

Million Paws Walk: Walk This May, will celebrate a mutual love of animals while keeping pets and owners safe and healthy.

Instead, participants are encouraged to don their workout gear, grab the leash and walk with purpose in their own backyards, knowing their contribution is helping RSPCA continue to do their vital work in animal welfare.

“The coming months are likely to require significant changes to our usual behaviours as we respond to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, and that includes how we exercise and entertain our pets,” said RSPCA Australia CEO Richard Mussell.

“While social distancing and self-isolation are increasingly recommended, we still need to keep our pets - and ourselves – exercised and entertained.

“This may mean walking in public while maintaining safe distances and good hygiene, for as long as we can. In the coming weeks and months, it might also mean finding new and innovative ways to enrich the home environment, to keep your pet healthy and happy.

“At the same time, there are still animals in the RSPCA’s care, there are still inspectors on the roads, and we depend on the funds raised by events such as the Million Paws Walk to continue these essential services – so along with many other organisations and charities, we’re facing some very tough months ahead.

“To that end, I’d urge everyone in the community to keep supporting the RSPCA in any way that you can, and to make the best of this difficult time with the companionship of your much-loved pets,” said Mr Mussell.

Participants are still encouraged to fundraise in the lead up to the event with money raised from online fundraising and merchandise sales used to support RSPCA’s work within the community, including caring for more than 124,000 animals that come through its shelters each year.

The day will be tied together using the hashtag #MillionPawsWalk and #MPWDOGSQUAD so all walkers can connect and share photos of their dogs and walk routes on social media.

Those who have already purchased tickets are encouraged to have their ticket cost transferred to a tax-deductable donation, however for those requesting a refund can contact RSPCA directly to arrange this.

Individuals can go online to keep up-to-date with the latest information, sign-up for Million Paws Walk: Walk This May, purchase merchandise and start fundraising today.

Details on the website at www.millionpawswalk.com.au.

Hills Pet Nutrition is the National Nutrition Sponsor of the RSPCA and the Million Paws Walk.


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