The Board of the Tasmanian member society of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), today acknowledged the findings of the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) and the efforts made by the PAC in preparing the Report.
The President, Dr. Paul Swiatkowski thanked RSPCA employees for their untiring efforts, and volunteers and the community for their support during what has been a very difficult time for the organisation.
Dr. Swiatkowski confirmed that the RSPCA will be addressing the recommendations made by the Report as soon as possible.
Dr. Swiatkowski said the RSPCA is grateful that the PAC has recognised that the organisation has been underfunded by the Government for the provision of Inspectorate services and the significant impact this has had on the financial position of the organisation over a number of years.
Dr. Swiatkowski emphasised the report makes no implication of wrong doing or criminal activity by current Board members or employees.
While accepting that the PAC's scope was limited the Board is grateful that they have raised the allegations of criminality and political interference in their Inquiry as these have caused significant distractions for the organisation for some time and have seriously impeded the organisation's ability to move forward.
In addition he emphasised the RSPCA has not initiated any legal actions against any entity or employee. All expenditure on legal and HR advice was made in defence of the organisation.
In relation to the recommendation for a restructure the Board has been carrying out the following actions to lay the foundations for the highest standards of governance:
Examining a potential change of structure to a Company Limited by Guarantee which would see the organisation regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
Drafting a new constitution for the organisation which will need to be re-examined in light of a potential change of structure.
Instituting a skills-based-board with sub-committees including; finance, audit and risk, governance and animal welfare. This process commenced with the addition of three skills-based Board members earlier this year.
Undertake initial discussions with The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) to determine how best to improve the governance standards of the organisation going forward.
Commenced the recruitment process of a new General Managerand subsequently undertake a new strategic review of the day to day operation of the organisation.
In addition to the above the Board will be taking the following actions as a matter of the utmost urgency.
Consult with the current RSPCA membership, staff, PAC members, government agencies and stakeholders.
The Board looks forward to finalizing the change to RSPCA with a modern governance structure and continuining to focus on the welfare of animals.
For more information contact Richard Gerathy on 0419 203 075
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